Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Let's get a new Challenge Started!

We are ready to begin a new challenge and I hope everyone is excited. It is a great way to get motivated and start great eating and exercise habits. For this challenge we are focusing on percentages of weightloss so if you aren't interested in losing weight but more toning this may not be the challenge you are looking for.  We will do this challenge exactly like we have done ones in the past. We will all be putting in $15 and we will have a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winner. All of the money will be split between the 3 winners. Depending on how many people we have join the challenge will depend on how big the prize money is. If you look at our last challenge our 1st place winner recieved $150 so it is a fun way to really push yourself to win and a great reward. I set up these challenges because I need the motivation...so anyone is welcome to join. We are limiting it to women because men more often lose weight faster than women and we want the challenge to to fun but also fair. The actual challenge will begin on Wednesday the 1st of September and end on Thursday the 30th...our own 30 day shred. Everyone who wants to participate has to have their money to me by the 31st of August **NO EXCEPTIONS** It is hard to try and get people to participate even if they agree to join the challenge and then never pay or weigh in. So if you are interested please email me at fulloffullers@hotmail.com or post a commment to this post. Thanks and good luck. Feel free to invite your friends. This is not a challenge that is limited to just our area. If you are out of state you are welcome to join as well.


  1. I am in. My sister Candice Angle is in also. I have both of our money right here in my purse.
