Saturday, May 8, 2010

Week 1 Percentages

After our first week in the challenge here is how everyone is doing. I am still missing 6 weights this morning. I know it is a pain to try to remember but it really will help keep you motivated to see where you stand. For the FINAL WEIGH-IN I have to have your weight BY 10AM to make it fair to everyone.

Rachel Olsen                                3.49%
Melody Williamson                       3.03%
Heidi Turner                                2.90%
Tatiana Indrisek                          2.24%
Becky Jones                                1.84%
Brooke Johnson                           1.56%
Kim Skinner                                 1.43%
Shayleen Palmer                          1.33%
Wendy Fuller                               1.32%
Brittany Greco                             .77%
Stacy Johnson                               .69%
Amelia Ortiz                                  0%
Jana Chapman
Anjie Mote
Nancy Andrus
Lanette Payne
Jenny Cable
Leigh Ann Greco
Janae Wiltbank


  1. Hey people! Are we participating or what?? Please get your money to Wendy asap! Please send in your weight each saturday morning before 10 am. We are all adults here, we are responsible...we can do this! AFter all what fun is it if only some participate fully?
